H. obovata (H.B.K.) Niedenzu Liana, ranging widely in forest over low vegetation or +/- pendent from larger trees; younger parts, including peduncles, pedicels, and calyces, densely pubescent with T-shaped trichomes. Petioles usually ca 5 mm long, bearing paired sessile glands near apex; stipules subulate, borne about midway on petiole, slender, 3-5 mm long; blades elliptic to obovate, acute or rounded at apex (sometimes acuminate especially when young), tapered to a subcordate base, 5-15 (22) cm long, 2.5-8.5 cm wide, glabrate to sparsely pubescent below; veins below densely appressed-pubescent. Umbels small; peduncles nearly obsolete or to 1.5 cm long; pedicels 9-25 mm long; sepals triangular to ovate, 4 usually glandular, the glands prominent, +/- stalked, greenish-yellow, round to ellipsoid, ca 1.5 mm long; petals yellow, often marked with orange near base, to ca 7 mm long, clawed, the blade orbicular, the petal opposite the eglandular sepal with a fimbriate margin; stamens 10, of irregular sizes, some directed inward beneath styles; ovary lobed, the lobes densely pubescent; styles 3, +/- flattened, curved, to 4.5 mm long; stigmas green, minute, lateral, directed inward. Schizocarps of 3 samaras; seminiferous area sparsely setaceous; wings lateral, orbicular to reniform, 1.2-1.6 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, thin, with sparse, appressed, T-shaped trichomes and prominent reticulate veins. Croat 5614, 14028. Common in the forest. Found at all levels to over 30 m, but rarely flowering at the lower levels. Flowers from January to May. The fruits mature from February to June.