Monoecious tree, 3-35 m tall; bark thin, with prominent leaf scars and irregular horizontal raised lines; inner bark smooth, thick, tan; sap forming milky droplets. Petioles stout, 4-14 mm long; blades elliptic-obovate to elliptic, acuminate to mucronate at apex, broadly cuneate to rounded at base, 6-15 (20) cm long, 3-6.5 (8) cm wide, glabrous, coriaceous, the major lateral veins raised below, with a conspicuous submarginal collecting vein and prominulous reticulate veins; stipules nearly encircling stem, 5-9 (15) mm long, deciduous. Flowers dense, in globular clusters 4-9 mm diam, completely concealed before anthesis by short-stipitate, round, peltate bracts; peduncles obsolete or to 5 mm long; perianth obsolete; staminate flowers many, the stamen solitary, the anther circular, eccentrically peltate, ca 1 mm diam, dehiscing by 2 basal valves; pistillate flowers 1 or 2 at center of clusters, the stigmas deeply 2-lobed, the lobes exserted 4-7 mm before staminate flowers open, spreading, subulate. Fruit a false drupe, +/- globose, 1-1.5 (2) cm diam, with minute round protuberances, with an apical depression; seed 1. Croat 10306, 1164 7