Flora Zambesiaca: Habit Perennial or shrubby herb to 1 m; cystoliths present. Leaves Leaves ovate, apex acute, base cuneate. Flowers Flowers in subsessile or shortly pedunculate racemoid cymes from upper axils; bracts imbricate, to 2 cm long, red to purple or green, ovate, puberulous and ciliate; bracteoles similar to bracts. Calyx Calyx deeply divided into 5 lanceolate acute puberulous lobes to 5 mm long. Corolla Corolla white with reddish purple stripes on lower lip or whole lower lip red, to 3 cm long (along upper lip), with a hooded 2-lobed upper lip and spreading 3-lobed lower lip. Stamens Stamens 2, held under upper lip; anthers bithecous, thecae at different height, both with flat white basal appendage. Distribution Native of tropical America. Widely cultivated in all tropical and subtropical regions and as a pot plant in temperate regions. Vernacular Shrimp Plant.