Pleonotoma variabilis
National Museum of Natural History Image Collection
Flora of Barro Colorado Island
The Flora of Barro Colorado Island by Thomas Croat
Liana, glabrous except for pubescence on leaflet midribs and veins below and pilose on axils near base of leaflet below; young stems square; tendrils long, trifid near apex; pseudostipules long, forked. Leaves 3-ternate, or 2-ternate with a tendril or tendril scar; petioles 2.1-6.7 cm long; terminal petiolules 1.2-6.5 cm long; leaflets ovate to elliptic, sometimes falcate, acurninate, obtuse to rounded and sometimes inequilateral at base, 5-15 (16) cm long, 2.5-8.5 (9.5) cm wide, weakly viscid when dried, usually with a few, round, scattered glands. Racemes short, terminal, on short lateral branches; pedicels to 1.5 cm long; calyx campanulate, 6-9 mm long, truncate, minutely toothed; corolla 7-10 cm long, pale yellow throughout or with the lobes white, the tube moderately slender with a few large glands at apex, pubescent inside just below point of starninal attachment, the lobes pubescent and glandular with a few scattered larger glands; stamens included, the longer pair 2.6-2.8 cm long, slightly shorter than style, the shorter pair 1.7-1.9 cm long, the thecae divaricate, to 5 mm long; staminodium 4-5 mm long, inserted ca 2 cm from base of corolla tube. Capsules linear-oblong, acurninate at both ends, to 22 (30) cm long and 2.8 cm wide, glabrous, viscid at least on drying; seeds ca 1.2 cm long and 3.7 (5) cm wide, the lateral margins +/- rounded, the wings +/- opaque. Croat 7876, 7997a. The only bignoniaceous vine with bicompound leaves. Costa Rica to Venezuela; Trinidad. In Panama, known from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, Bocas del Toro, San Blas, Los Santos-, Panama, and Darien and from premontane wet forest and tropical wet forest in Panama and DariƩn;
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National Museum of Natural History Image Collection
National Museum of Natural History Image Collection
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
Annette Aiello
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