Slender tree, 3-8 m tall; trunk to ca 7 cm dbh. Petioles 2-6 mm long, bearing sparse to dense, +/- appressed pubescence of short brownish trichomes; blades lanceolate to elliptic, abruptly caudate-acuminate, acute or rarely obtuse at base, 3-8 (10) cm long, 1-3 (3.5) cm wide, inconspicuously pubescent all over, more densely so on midrib above and below, glabrous above in age except on midrib, pellucid-punctate, thin, the acumen often as much as one-fourth the length of the blade, the margins entire, +/- revolute especially near base; secondary veins not prominulous below when dry. Racemes or panicles axillary, 1-2.5 cm long; pedicels 1-1.5 mm long; flowers 5-parted; calyx to ca 2.5 mm wide, the lobes short-triangular to rounded; axes of inflorescences, pedicels, and hypanthia bearing dense, erect to more commonly appressed pubescence; petals orbicular, ca 1.7 mm long, pellucid-punctate, white, soon falling; stamens numerous, to 3.5 mm long; ovary and basal half of style short-villous, together to 5.5 mm long; style simple. Berries globose to depressed-globose, to ca 5 mm long, 6-8 mm diam, green turning blue-gray and finally blue-black at maturity; seed 1, +/- globose, ca 4 mm diam, smooth, the seed coat thin, brown. Croat 15147 (type), Foster 2371.