Search Results (List)

Dataset: iNaturalist-Colombia
Taxa: Acanthaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 1399

iNaturalist Plant Observations - Colombia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hygrophila R. Br.
stiv64   2017-10-29
Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, 4.2269444444 -73.6580555556

Image Associated With the Occurence
rudygelis   2018-03-27
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, San Miguel de los Bancos, EC-PI, EC, -0.0565803 -78.7727293

Image Associated With the Occurence
rudygelis   2018-04-06
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, San Miguel de los Bancos, EC-PI, EC, 0.0318639709 -78.8918573409

Image Associated With the Occurence
rudygelis   2018-04-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, San Miguel de los Bancos, EC-PI, EC, -0.05524 -78.7744733333

Image Associated With the Occurence
hinkotalsma   2016-07-26
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Yumbo, Yumbo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3.5688046394 -76.5766489506

Image Associated With the Occurence
yohana   2017-10-09
Colombia, Boyacá, Puerto Boyacá, Colegio El Prado V 219 232, Puerto Boyacá, Boyacá, Colômbia, 6.0002779961 -74.4908370972

Image Associated With the Occurence
rodrigoescobar   2017-10-23
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Av. Los Cerros Vía La Voragine, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3.34347215 -76.58814086

Image Associated With the Occurence
rozomargarita   2017-11-29
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Jamundí, Jamundí, Los Farallones De Cali, CO-VC, CO, 3.313788414 -76.6443328857

Image Associated With the Occurence
teodoro_chivatabedoya   2018-04-28
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.C., Niza, Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia, 4.7061737778 -74.0760920833

Image Associated With the Occurence
jenny139   2018-04-29
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.C., Cl. 118 #70g-31 a 70g-57, Bogotá, Colombia, 4.7041783333 -74.0760066667

Image Associated With the Occurence
juan_carlos_caicedo_hernandez   2018-04-29
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.C., Ak. 20 #85-16 a 85-98, Bogotá, Colombia, 4.6723061901 -74.0591983125

Image Associated With the Occurence
sultana   2018-07-21
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Santiago De Cali, Santiago De Cali, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.52845 -76.6137166667

Image Associated With the Occurence
nicolasr   2018-09-16
Colombia, Boyacá, Duitama, Duitama, Boyacá, Colombia, 5.8143356068 -73.0211060113

Image Associated With the Occurence
camilo41   2018-10-20
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.C., Niza, Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia, 4.7038888889 -74.0761111111

Image Associated With the Occurence
sharding84   2017-06-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, Mindo, -0.069846 -78.761909

Image Associated With the Occurence
kphuong7693   2017-06-14
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, San Miguel de los Bancos, EC-PI, EC, -0.0700605568 -78.7623104174

Image Associated With the Occurence
luissaltos   2018-06-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, San Miguel de los Bancos, EC-PI, EC, -0.0779382644 -78.7316506729

Image Associated With the Occurence
bejatmccracken   2018-11-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, SN Miguel Bancos, SN Miguel Bancos, Pichincha, EC, -0.0701278634 -78.7624189631

Image Associated With the Occurence
wladimirpatino   2019-01-07
Ecuador, Pichincha, San Miguel de los Bancos, Los Colibries, Mindo, Pichincha, EC, -0.0555109138 -78.7776099252

Image Associated With the Occurence
bodofzt   2019-01-24
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador, -1.3922678889 -78.4241356944

Image Associated With the Occurence
damonsalveo   2018-03-18
Colombia, Antioquia, Cocorná, El Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia, Colombia, 6.0508247244 -75.2390007015

Image Associated With the Occurence
vilseskog   2015-03-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Heredia Province, Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, 10.4286706629 -84.0089836242

Image Associated With the Occurence
vilseskog   2015-03-18
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Heredia Province, Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, 10.4303587979 -84.0086402777

Image Associated With the Occurence
vilseskog   2018-03-05
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, San José Province, Costa Rica, 10.1966136323 -83.9372943196

Image Associated With the Occurence
vilseskog   2018-03-05
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Heredia Province, Sarapiqui, Costa Rica, 10.2116070612 -83.9524625922

Image Associated With the Occurence
birdernaturalist   2018-04-16
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica, 10.3517305556 -83.9711833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
birdernaturalist   2019-03-23
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica, 10.4311888889 -84.0036305556

Image Associated With the Occurence
desertnaturalist   2018-08-11
Panama, Coclé, Antón, Anton Valley, Panama, 8.6214523076 -80.140133875

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mendoncia Vell.
mateohernandezschmidt   2007-06-08
Colombia, Antioquia, Sonsón, San Francisco, Antioquia, Colombia, 5.8971411112 -74.8614705676

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mendoncia Vell.
mateohernandezschmidt   2007-06-08
Colombia, Antioquia, Sonsón, San Francisco, Antioquia, Colombia, 5.897793086 -74.8621572131

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mendoncia Vell.
stiv64   2018-01-21
Colombia, Meta, Restrepo, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, 4.22217786 -73.63730153

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mendoncia Vell.
jrichardabbott   2018-10-19
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Esmeraldas Province, Refugio de la Vida Silvestre La Chiquita, ca 11 km SE of San Lorenzo, Ecuador, 1.2312200434 -78.7502210402

Image Associated With the Occurence
davidsanchez10   2018-11-06
Colombia, Antioquia, Cocorná, El Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia, Colombia, 5.9324703606 -75.1472622455

Image Associated With the Occurence
yaoshawn   2016-01-11
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Barrio Flaminia, Heredia, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica, 10.4326277667 -84.0045861

Image Associated With the Occurence
massimilianofinzi   2016-03-02
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Hojancha, Hojancha, CR-GU, CR, 9.8525100231 -85.4736328125

Image Associated With the Occurence
biotaorinoquia   2018-07-14
Colombia, Meta, Cumaral, Cumaral, Meta, Colombia, 4.2650132401 -73.5664847401

Image Associated With the Occurence
cristinadaza   2015-10-15
Colombia, Magdalena, Santa Marta (Dist. Esp.), Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia, 11.0477864242 -73.9672851563

Image Associated With the Occurence
kphuong7693   2017-06-05
Ecuador, Manabi, Sucre, Sucre, EC-MN, EC, -0.1163085457 -80.1251742617

Image Associated With the Occurence
stonesoupwalter   2018-06-12
Ecuador, Manabi, Sucre, Manabí Province, Ecuador, -0.1174846249 -80.1279829379

Image Associated With the Occurence
bereccajd   2018-06-05
Ecuador, Manabi, Sucre, Sucre, Sucre, Manabí, EC, -0.1158168713 -80.1245930258

Image Associated With the Occurence
kucycads   2007-01-08
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiquí, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, 10.4311765 -84.0036321

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
tatiana9   2016-07-12
Colombia, Caldas, Neira, Neira, Caldas, 5.1788924609 -75.522262528

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
dianamm023   2017-01-08
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Supatá, Supata cundinamarca, 5.061607 -74.235546

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
vanessavergaraaristizabal   2017-05-22
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Bolivar School, Jamunda, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3393595694 -76.5441037808

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
mariaalejandravidalhenao   2017-05-22
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Jamundí, Jamundí, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3382436447 -76.5441412479

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
mplazas   2017-05-22
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Carrera 122B 9-1â€"9-99, Jamunda, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3391328808 -76.5440442693

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
jromo   2017-05-23
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Bolivar School, Jamunda, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3400638577 -76.5450575142

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
antoniasolarte   2017-05-23
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Santiago de Cali, CO-VC, CO, 3.3391793222 -76.5439262199

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
helenaaljurecure   2017-05-23
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Jamundí, Jamundí, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3391192183 -76.5440644697

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
iarizaooszerowicz   2017-05-22
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Colegio Bolívar, Jamundí, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3405934065 -76.5448283852

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
anasofiavelezb   2017-05-22
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Bolivar School, Jamunda, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3407333333 -76.5447466667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
mateohernandezschmidt   2011-01-29
Colombia, Cundinamarca, La Vega, La Vega, Cundinamarca, Colombia, 4.9826337318 -74.3537521362

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
andreeajara   2017-05-27
Colombia, Quindío, Circasia, Montenegro, Quindío, Colombia, 4.566637 -75.75012

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
sergio82   2017-08-09
Colombia, Cauca, Popayán, Carrera 2 #9b Norte-12 a 9b Norte-56 Popayán, Cauca Colombia, 2.4462766243 -76.599668003

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
evaliliana   2017-08-29
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Silvania, Silvania, CO-CU, CO, 4.402065 -74.3867333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
duvalier   2017-09-26
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Carrera 29A 9Cbis-2â€"9Cbis-21, Cali, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.4301802982 -76.5334974882

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
rodrigoescobar   2017-09-20
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Av. 1 #5 Oeste-98 a 5 Oeste-328, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3.4506069 -76.5459752

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
sheylacruz   2017-10-07
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Avenida Circunvalar, Cali, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.4467166667 -76.545525

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
franciscocamacho   2017-10-08
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Cra. 30 #6-29 a 6-131, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3.4306172 -76.5385157

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
wicarrillo   2017-10-14
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Carrera 102 22A-9â€"22A-99, Cali, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.3639383333 -76.5271833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
alvarooyuelalopez   2017-09-30
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Av. 2 Nte. #9 Norte-45 a 9 Norte-75, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3.4549231076 -76.534700542

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
abonce11   2017-10-25
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Jamundí, Jamunda, Jamunda, Valle Del Cauca, CO, 3.2532597168 -76.5241545709

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
juanjoarango22   2017-10-26
Colombia, Antioquia, Caldas, Cra. 51 #118 Sur-91 a 118 Sur-387, Caldas, Antioquia, Colombia, 6.0992798805 -75.6370697021

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
emmanuelduqueyarce   2017-11-02
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Cra. 65 #6751, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia, 6.264533638 -75.582433864

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
sebasjuglans   2017-12-22
Colombia, Risaralda, Dosquebradas, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia, 4.7902164 -75.6890738

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
mateogarciameja   2018-03-02
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Altos del Poblado, Medellín, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia, 6.2086929863 -75.5537590384

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
sonygatonico   2018-03-06
Colombia, Cundinamarca, San Francisco, San Francisco, Cundinamarca, Colombia, 4.96938 -74.2886016667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
julianazuluaga   2018-03-30
Colombia, Quindío, Calarcá, Ruta Nacional 40 66â€"72, Calarcá, Quindío, CO, 4.5118914312 -75.6518265513

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
helena18   2018-04-26
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Medellín, CO-AN, CO, 6.1991625729 -75.578263682

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
natu_naturaleza   2018-01-04
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.C., Cl. 33a Sur #10 Este-27 a 10 Este-93, Bogotá, Colombia, 4.55361648 -74.08599789

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
andreslondoo   2018-05-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Olaya, Seca, Olaya, Antioquia, Colombia, 6.56151 -75.7817599

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
anabenavides   2018-06-23
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Cra. 86 #49DD-115, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia, 6.2639837265 -75.6042327881

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
nathalia29   2018-07-29
Colombia, Cundinamarca, San Antonio del Tequendama, El Colegio - El Charquito, Mesitas del Colegio, Cundinamarca, Colombia, 4.589869976 -74.4028091431

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
biotaorinoquia   2018-08-24
Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, 4.0738888889 -73.5852777778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
wilmar4   2018-09-23
Colombia, Santander, Cimitarra, Cimitarra-Landazuri, Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia, 6.3091338663 -73.9431029186

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
lisethdaniela   2018-09-19
Colombia, Santander, Cimitarra, Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia, 6.315209 -73.9489059

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
lisethdaniela   2018-09-19
Colombia, Santander, Cimitarra, Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia, 6.315209 -73.9489059

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
andrea673   2018-09-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Venecia, Cl. 133 Sur ##50-48, Caldas, Venecia, Antioquia, Colombia, 5.9680746077 -75.8366032597

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
neches13   2018-10-12
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Calle 22 70A-1â€"70A-99, Medellin, Antioquia, CO, 6.2236453495 -75.5924213133

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
stivenacero   2018-10-21
Colombia, Antioquia, Copacabana, Copacabana, CO-AN, CO, 6.3342682986 -75.5005078018

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
yeseniamendoza   2018-10-30
Colombia, Santander, Cimitarra, 62, Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia, 6.3106985092 -73.9456634521

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
elian1   2018-10-31
Colombia, Santander, Cimitarra, Cl. 8, Cimitarra, Santander, Colombia, 6.3157862 -73.9491181

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
harrinsonjamir   2018-10-31
Colombia, Santander, Vélez, Vélez, CO-ST, CO, 6.0127590783 -73.6721620057

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
jhonenriquez   2018-11-01
Colombia, Risaralda, Dosquebradas, Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia, 4.7903874614 -75.6890737991

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
julip   2018-11-02
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, Cra. 127 #15a-100, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 3.33251556 -76.536292313

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
stiv64   2018-11-23
Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, 4.07447306 -73.58418431

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
biotaorinoquia   2018-11-22
Colombia, Meta, Villavicencio, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, 4.1098247167 -73.6486809019

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
elianab   2018-07-21
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca, CO, 4.2865544364 -74.4468372759

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
dwkfoster   2018-12-27
Colombia, Antioquia, Girardota, Girardota, Antioquia, Colombia, 6.3804744254 -75.4293861802

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
danesda   2019-01-17
Colombia, Santander, Bucaramanga, Cl. 64c #14, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia, 7.0968351364 -73.1254425049

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
linamestra   2019-01-29
Colombia, Córdoba, Montería, Cra. 9 #46a-36, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia, 8.764293295 -75.8730954677

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
riveranat   2019-02-23
Colombia, Cundinamarca, San Antonio del Tequendama, San Antonio Del Tequendama, Soacha, Cundinamarca, CO, 4.5971589396 -74.3396147993

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
alextourguide   2019-03-11
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Calle 9S, Medellin, Antioquia, CO, 6.1911551556 -75.5697592256

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
sebastianotalora   2019-03-17
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.C., Tv. 26b #40A-91, Bogotá, Colombia, 4.6314503615 -74.0773002058

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
nicolasrozop   2019-03-15
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Bogotá, D.C., Engativá, Bogotá, Colombia, 4.6680302351 -74.1002098921

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
karen_romero   2019-03-13
Colombia, Casanare, Yopal, 47-37, Cra. 30, Yopal, Casanare, Colombia, 5.3497223854 -72.3916702271

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
johnguerin   2019-03-12
Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, Leticia, Amazonas Department, Colombia, -4.1458533333 -69.9302966667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
sara653   2019-03-29
Colombia, Santander, Floridablanca, Floridablanca, CO-ST, CO, 7.0671023765 -73.0864733247

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
sara653   2019-03-29
Colombia, Santander, Floridablanca, Bucaramanga, Bucaramanga, Santander, CO, 7.0673078325 -73.0880811735

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachystachys lutea Nees in A. DC.
mariaisabella   2019-03-29
Colombia, Santander, Floridablanca, Av. Bucarica #6-8, Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia, 7.06751552 -73.08815553

Page 2, records 101-200 of 1399


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